১৯৭১ সালে বাংলাদেশে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের নয় মাসে হানাদার পাকিস্তানি বাহিনী ও তাদের সহযোগী রাজাকার, আল-বদর, আল-শামস, ঘাতক দালালরা হত্যা করেছে ৩৩ লক্ষ নিরস্ত্র সাধারন মানুষ, ১ কোটি মানুষ গৃহহারা, ৪.৫ লক্ষ মা-বোনের উপর পাশবিক নির্যাতন। এই অপরাধের বিচার হোক।
Monday, August 2, 2010
Mohd Kamruzzaman - Principal organizer of the Al-Badr force.
Mohd Kamruzzaman was the former executive editor of the Jamati mouthpiece Daily Sangram, and presently editor of the weekly Sonar Bangla. In 1971, Kamruzzarnan was the leader of the Islami Chattra Sangha (Islamic students organization) in Mymensingh. He was also the principal organizer of the Al-Badr force. An article in the Daily Sangram on August 16,197 1, said, "A rally and symposium were organized in Mymensingh by the Al- Badr to celebrate the 25th independence day of Pakistan. The chief organizer of the Al-Badr, Mouhammed Kamruzzaman presided over the symposium held at the local Muslim Institute."
1. According to one Fazlul Huq of Sherpur area, father of a martyr, an 11 member Al-Badr squad led by Kamruzzarnan took away his son Badiuzzaman sometime in June or July in 1971. Huq said his son was taken to the Pakistan army camp in nearby Ahmednagar and murdered. After independence, the late Badiuzzaman's brother Hasanuzzaman filed a case at the Nalitabari police station, with Kamruzzaman as the principal among the 18 accused in the murder of Badiuzzaman.
2. In the same Sherpur area, one Shahjahan Talukdar told that cadres of the Al-Badr kidnapped his cousin Golam Mostafa on August 24, 197 1, in broad daylight. Mostafa was then taken to the local Al-Badr camp which was set up in a house on Surendra Mohan Road of Sherpur town. After brutally torturing Mostafa at the camp, Al-Badr forces took him to the nearby Sherry Bridge and shot him dead. Kamruzzarnan was known to have ordered the killing. Many others in Sherpur confirmed that the killing of Golam Mostafa was carried out on Kaniruzzaman's direct order.